The GPHR study package includes Six digital GPHR workbooks in PDF format and online practice test questions and answers with explanations. By using all of the preparation materials, you will be well-versed in the six key functional areas that make up the HR Certification Institute (HRCI) GPHR exam content outline.
Module 1: Strategic Global Human Resources (25%)
You can click the “GPHR Certification Workbook Preview” to see the table of contents in detail.
Our system consists of up-to-date 1,000+ practice exam questions and answers with explanations in our pre-test, review-test, and post-test database.
Pre-test: It contains the same percentage of questions from each content area (Total 500 MCQs). Participants can take a pre-test of that module to assess their conceptual understanding of that specific area of the GPHR Body of Knowledge. When the pre-test is completed, an overall correct percentage is provided along with the number and percentage of questions answered correctly. The answers with explanations to individual questions are also provided. Our system allows users to save the results of the pre-test so that they can improve upon them later.
Review-test: Every review test contains questions with explanations (in total 500 MCQs from the Pre-test) which help to understand the concepts of that particular knowledge area for each section of the study workbook. Once you successfully finish reviewing one section of text in the workbook; you naturally get access to the next section. Every new section helps construct the earlier concepts learned in the previous knowledge areas. Please do a step-wise study for all the knowledge areas.
Post-test: Once you complete all the knowledge areas, have a post-test through the three-length simulated practice tests. With 125 questions covered during the 2 hours 45 minutes test. These tests are designed to help you get the feel of the final GPHR Exam, with similar format and question types: Multiple choice with only one correct answer, Multiple choice with two or more correct answers, Fill in the blank (numeral, word, or phrase), Drap and drop, and Scenarios MCQs. Practice till you are near 80% correct answers in the post-test (Total independent 500 MCQs). This helped you in understanding areas where you have improved since the last test as well as list down topics for which you needed more revision.
Enhance your learning with iHRCI's advanced system! Alongside digital workbooks and online practice exams, explore our comprehensive Glossary with searchable HR terms. Plus, meet the iHRCI Exam Coach—our AI-powered virtual coach developed using ChatGPT and iHRCI's rich knowledge base. Get ready for your certification exams with tailored practice questions, expert study tips, and personalized support. This feature is available to all ChatGPT-registered users, with usage and permissions varying based on whether the user has a free or paid ChatGPT plan.
Access to the learning system is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase to cover two test windows (USD199). Access to these materials is for your individual use; your account is not to be shared with others.
Take a free GPHR 20-question practice test with detailed question explanations to preview our online test bank. Each test is presented over several web pages. Make sure you answer the questions and carry out the tasks on each page in the correct order.
Our materials are not textbooks or literature reviews, and they are not to be considered legal or professional advice. Our board of editors eliminates surprises by covering every inch of the HRCI exam content outlines. Studying these materials does not guarantee, however, that you will pass the exam. According to user data, the pass rate exceeds 82% when individuals self-study using the method described above.
If you have further questions, please contact us at
Note 1:The aPHRi, PHRi, SPHRi, and GPHR registered trademarks are owned by the HR Certification Institute (HRCI).
Note 2: About the Payment and Access to the Materials: Download the Manual
Note 3: Effective April 14, 2020, HRCI removed the global experience requirement to allow HR practitioners to experience and learn while engaging in cross-border HR practices. The GPHR exams based on the new exam content outline (as our new GPHR materials) will be available on October 1, 2020.
Please login by using your linkedin account and gain instant access to our sample workbooks and free test trial.
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The rigorous exam is primarily experience-based. Candidates must meet certain criteria in order to take the exam.
The Instructor Material contains PowerPoint Slides with notes, PDF certification workbooks and online test bank.